Friday 15 April 2011

Cape Le Grand

Arrived in Cape Le Grand National Park at 6pm, hoping that we would get a spot at Lucky Bay campsite. The gods must have been on our side - one spot left. What an absolutely beautiful place. The coast line here has to be seen to be believed. The sand is as white as snow, and the water is turquoise blue. It is sooooo spectacular. Every bend you go around it gets even better. We could have stayed a month - some people were. There are 2 campsites in the NP - Lucky  Bay - which is fairly small and set out more like a caravan park and then there is Le Grand Beach Camp site which has sites that are just clearings off the track through the campsite. Both really nice.
We stayed here 3 nights. We climbed Frenchmans Peak - a mountain about 250m high -information says gentle slope but it just about killed me climbing it (being the elite athlete I am!). A few caves on the way to the summit and then amazing vista at the top. You can see the whole coastline and countryside.

The kids met a few other kids and had a movie night with them, played on the beach , swam in the freezing water. I could hardly put my feet in it but they swam in it for hours. The wildlife is very friendly here- kangaroos sniffing around looking for food.

  Hellfire Bay -Cape Le Grand NP

 Frenchmans peak-the way up

Frenchmans peak -cavern

Frenchmans Peak - at the summit

 Lucky Bay -Cape Le Grand NP

 Le Grand Beach

 After Cape Le Grand we went to Esperance and took a boat tour to the Bay of Isles - and stopped at Woody Island. On the way we saw dolphins very close to the boat, sea lions, white breasted sea eagles( with fish in tallons see below). Once we were on the island we did a glass bottom boat tour. The day was perfect, the ocean calm, sky blue. Our only regret was not staying on the island overnight. Was reasonably priced and would have been fantastic. This was a great cruise - we saw heaps of wildlife and the sea lion antics were fantastic.

Twilight Beach - Esperance

We have loved this part of WA. Would recommend it to anyone and would come back in a heartbeat.
Till next time.....


  1. Hey KirchnerStuarts
    Sounds like you are having the time of your life. Wish we were there! We are considering packing up everything and coming over to join you? :-) If only! Photos look great. Keep safe.
    John, Helen, Alice, Lucy and Mitch

  2. hi guys
    what amazing photos - i'm very jealous
    great to hear that you are all having such a wonderful time
    i have put this national park on our must visit list - it looks great
    take care and safe travelling
    x anne maree, warren, abbie and joseph
